Wednesday, November 27, 2013


-Dr. Rusnardi Rahamat Putra
Assistant Professor, Padang state University
Padang, Indonesia.

The Indonesian archipelago is located at the boundary of three major tectonic plates, the Indo-Australian, Pacific, and Eurasian plates, stretching from Sumatra in the west to Papua in the east. Indonesia is at the collision point of these three crustal plates. The high subduction-related seismicity in this region means that tsunami and other earthquake hazards are also high. Indonesia has approximately 17,504 islands, with a total land area of 1.92×106   km2 and a sea area of 3.26×106 km2. It has experienced a large number of earthquakes in the past. According to catalogued events, the number of earthquakes that have occurred in this region exceeds 45,778 with a magnitude greater than 4.0 from AD 1779 to 2010.
Most of the major historical earthquakes in Indonesia have caused significant damage to facilities (e.g., Utsu et al., 1992; Fauzi et al., 1999; EERI, 2010). Many large earthquakes have occurred in the shallow seas of the area that can produce massive tsunami like the 2004 Banda Aceh event. This earthquake off the coast of Sumatra resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and a million people homeless (Ghobarah. A et al., 2006). Tectonic and plate boundaries, Large arrows indicate the direction of plate motion.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to refine earthquake data downloaded from website?

Are you engineer? or seismologist? or designer? or even you may be a person who have interest on earthquake and its mechanism, time series etc. If you are worry about how you can get and process earthquake data, Here is a complete solution for how you can refine raw earthquake data. Just follow few steps then you can have clear view of earthquake time series.

Step 1: Data download
If you have already data sets of some earthquakes they may be in format like below which had taken in EW, NS and UD directions. Files are named as (station name+date+time ). 
OKN0109805040830.ud       (These files recorded in OKN010 station at 1998/05/04 08:30)
For Earthquake in and near Japan, NIED having 1880 stations records data. To download raw data from NIED click below.
KNET/KIKNET Data Download
 To download you have to register to the site but do not worry its free :) . 
data sets seems like this in website. you can click at right bottom "Download All channels data"

Those data are in zipped folder just unzip them all and save in one folder.

Step 2: Rename files
Now you have three files with extensions *.ew, *.ns, and *.ud. those file names just change in to 1.ew, 2.ns and 3.ud .

Step 3: Download executable programme
You need to download one executable program, that can be downloaded from this link click HERE .

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

भुकम्प, यसको असर र जोखीम

(भाद्र २६,२०७० को नागरिकमा प्रकाशित)

यहि भाद्र १४ गते रातको लगभग ११:३५ को आसपासमा नेपालको मध्यभाग ६ रिक्टर स्केल(स्थानिय मापन)को भुईचालोको कारण हल्लिन पुग्यो, सामाजिक संजालहरु एकै पटक भुकम्पमय बने, सबैजना यस प्रति चनाखो बनेको देखियो। UNDP को बिपद् ब्यबस्थापन संबन्धि संस्थाले २००४ मा निकालेको रिपोर्टको आधारमा बिश्वमा भुकम्पिय जोखिमको ११औं स्थानमा पर्ने देशमा हाम्रो तयारी कस्तो छ त? के हाम्रो समाजमा यस्ता भुकम्प आउदा के गर्नुपर्छ, कसरि सुरक्षित रहनुपर्छ भन्ने जनचेतना राम्रो छ त? हिजोकै केहि प्रतिक्रिया हरु हेर्दा र बुझ्दा यसको कमि देखिन्छ। पछिल्ला बर्षहरुमा भुकम्प आउने क्रम बढ्न थालेको देखिन्छ र यसले केहि बर्ष भित्रैमा ठुलै भुइचालो जान सक्छ भन्ने पनि बुझ्न सकिन्छ। भाग्यबस अहिले ठुलो भुईचालो आएको छैन, हामीले सानासाना भुइचालोहरु महसुस गरेका छौं, त्यसैले राजधानीमा ठुलो क्षति हुन पाएको छैन।
नेपालमा भुईचालोको ईतिहास करिब ई. सं. १२५५ देखिको रहेको पाईन्छ जुन समयमा काठमाण्डौंका एक तिहाई देखि एक चौथाई हाराहारी मानिसले ज्यान गुमाएको बताईन्छ। त्यस भन्दा पहिले पनि भुईचालो नगएका होईनन तर कुनै पनि यकिन समयका तथ्यहरु फेला नपरेका मात्र हुन।  यस्तै सन १४०८, १८१० मा पनि ठुला भुईचालो गएका थिए तर यसको यकिन तथ्यांक भेटिएको छैन। सन १८३३ देखि कुनै रुपमा तथ्यांकहरु पाउन सकिन्छ जुन समयमा ७.८ रिक्टरको भुइचालोका कारण काठमाण्डौंका करिब ५०० मानिसले ज्यान गुमाएका थिए। पछिल्लो सन १९३५ (बि. सं. १९९० माघ २) को भुईचालोलाई सबैभन्दा ठुलो भुइचालोको रुपमा लिईन्छ जसको कारण करिब १६००० मानिसको ज्यान गएको थियो। यसै महाभुकम्पको सम्झना र समाजमा भुकम्प संबन्धि जनचेतना फैलाउनको लागी त्यस दिनलाई प्रत्येक बर्ष भुकम्प दिबसको रुपमा मनाउन थालियो। यस बिचमा नेपाल वा भारतका बिभिन्न स्थानमा केन्द्रबिन्दु भएर गएका बिभिन्न भुकम्पको कारण पनि कयौं नेपालीले ज्यान गुमाइसकेका छन।
एक अनुसन्धानले हाम्रो देशको डिजाईन कोड (मापदण्ड) र प्रचलित निर्माण प्रबिधिले निर्मित संरचनाहरु अन्य मापदण्ड (ATC-40 FEMA-356) बाट निर्मित संरचना भन्दा बढि जोखिममा रहेको जनाएको छ। पछिल्लो समयमा बिभिन्न नगरपालिकाहरुले भुकम्पिय प्रतिरोधि भवनसंहिता लागु गरेकाले नक्सा बनाउदा अनिबार्य पर्ने ठाउँमा मात्र आम मानिसले घर बनाउदा नक्सा बनाउने गर्दछन तर यि मध्ये करिब ८५% (अनुमान) घर हरु नक्सामा रहेको संरचनागत डिजाईन नअपनाई, सामान्य निर्माण ठेकेदारको भरमा बन्ने गरेका छन। निकै कम मानिसले मात्र ईन्जिनियरको रेखदेखमा आफ्नो घर बनाउने गरेका छन। यस किसिमले निर्माण गरिएका संरचना कति बलियो होलान त? हामी सहजै अनुमान लगाउन सक्छौं।

Saturday, August 31, 2013

car crushed by landslide on 31st August 2013, Taiwan

You can see this video how landslide can crush the car... be safe.... be aware, every where...
This video is taken on Keelung-Badouzi, Taiwan

How to find out epicentre of earthquake?

You may confuse that many agencies locate different points for the epicentre of same earthquake, it may happens because of recording stations around the possible location.

Here is one example of one method to find out epicentre.

To figure out just where that earthquake happened, you need to look at your seismogram and you need to know what at least two other seismographs recorded for the same earthquake. You will also need a map of the world, a ruler, a pencil, and a compass for drawing circles on the map.

Here's an example of a seismogram:



One minute intervals are marked by the small lines printed just above the squiggles made by the seismic waves (the time may be marked differently on some seismographs). The distance between the begining of the first P wave and First S wave tell you how many seconds the waves are apart. This number will be used to tell you how far your seismograph is from the epicenter of the earthquake.

Finding the Distance to the Epicenter and the Earthquake's Magnitude
1.     Measure the distance between the first P wave and the first S wave. In this case, the first P and S waves are 24 seconds apart.
2.     Find the point for 24 seconds on the left side of the chart below and mark that point. According to the chart, this earthquake's epicenter was 215 kilometers away.
3.     Measure the amplitude of the strongest wave. The amplitude is the height (on paper) of the strongest wave. On this seismogram, the amplitude is 23 millimeters. Find 23 millimeters on the right side of the chart and mark that point.
4.     Place a ruler (or straight edge) on the chart between the points you marked for the distance to the epicenter and the amplitude. The point where your ruler crosses the middle line on the chart marks the magnitude (strength) of the earthquake. This earthquake had a magnitude of 5.0.

Finding the Epicenter
You have just figured out how far your seismograph is from the epicenter and how strong the earthquake was, but you still don't know exactly where the earthquake occurred. This is where the compass, the map, and the other seismograph records come in.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Moderately strong earthquake M6.2 rocked Mexico 21st August 2013

 A moderately strong earthquake shook Mexico's capital Wednesday, but there were no immediate reports of injuries or damages. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 6.2 and was centered on the Pacific coast, near the resort of Acapulco. There was also another after shock of M5.3 lagging of about 32 minute with main shock.
Buildings swayed in the capital and some people evacuated buildings as an earthquake alarm sounded. The alarm also went off for a second, smaller quake a few minutes later. Mexico City is vulnerable even to distant earthquakes because much of it sits atop the muddy sediments of drained lake beds that quiver as quake waves hit.